Bold Women. Change History.

Amber McReynolds

Featured speaker in the Bold Women. Change History. lecture series.

Amber McReynolds
Amber McReynolds

Amber McReynolds is the CEO for the National Vote At Home Institute and Coalition, the co-author of When Women Vote, and the former Director of Elections for the City and County of Denver, Colorado. McReynolds is an experienced election professional and nationally recognized as an innovator who has proven that designing pro-voter policies, voter-centric processes, and implementing technical innovations will improve the voting experience. With her leadership, Denver Elections earned national and international recognition from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Election Center, the National Association of Counties, and the International Centre for Parliamentary Studies (ICPS) for Ballot TRACE (a first-in-the-nation ballot tracking, reporting, and communication engine) and eSign, a digital petition circulation application that makes the ballot access process more efficient.

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