Central Passage Double-Pile Residence

Color photo of a Central Pass Double-Pile Residence.

A Central Passage Double-Pile Residence near Aguilar.

The central passage double-pile type features a rectangular footprint and linear plan.  An axial passage traverses the building, separating the plan symmetrically with two rooms on either side.  Coupled with a centrally located door on the long façade and symmetrical fenestration divided into bays, this building type exhibits a certain formality.  Central passage double-pile residences are typically either two or two-and-one-half stories in height, two rooms wide (plus passage), two rooms deep, with two or four symmetrically placed chimneys.  The roof is usually side-gabled or hipped with parallel orientation to the building plan.  This type originated in Great Britain and scholars often refer to it as a Georgian plan.  The type migrated to the United States in the eighteenth century, where it remained prominent on the southeastern seaboard through the nineteenth century.  Central passage double-pile residences were constructed in a variety of materials, including wood frame, masonry, and adobe.

Black and white photo of a Central Pass Double-Pile Residence circa 1931.

A Central Passage Double-Pile Residence near Aguilar, 1931.

Common elements:

  1. Rectangular footprint
  2. Central hall with two rooms on either side
  3. Two or two-and-one-half stories tall
  4. Side-gabled or hipped roof
  5. Two or four symmetrically placed chimneys

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