Grants Awarded

Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Water Tank / Sedalia Water Tank

Douglas County

Included in the fourth phase of a multi-year, district-wide improvement project being carried out by the Sedalia Water and Sanitation District is the repair of the 1906 Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Water Tank.

Sedalia’s only source of public water, the 140,000-gallon tank once provided water to coal-fired steam locomotives traveling through the area until the early 20th century. Today the unique water system is believed to be one of the last steel tanks in Colorado and thus a treasured piece of the region’s history. With SHF funding, the project will involve installing a code-compliant liner and restoring the tank’s exterior.

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Sedalia Water Tank

Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Water Tank / Sedalia Water Tank