Grants Awarded

Morse Neighborhood


The Morse Park neighborhood is one of Lakewood’s oldest neighborhoods, with one of the earliest subdivision plats, Smith’s, recorded in 1887.

The neighborhood was built over a relatively large time frame, including significant development during the depression and World War II periods. The neighborhood also saw strong growth during the post-war housing boom.

Like many of Lakewood’s older neighborhoods, the area has its roots in agriculture.  That heritage is still evident today with numerous agricultural ditches that run through the neighborhood and large lots with zoning that allows for the keeping of horses, chickens and goats. The residents of the neighborhood are proud of the uniqueness of the area and, due to the large lot size and development pressures, fear the character of the neighborhood will change and significant buildings and structures will be demolished before the opportunity to document them occurs.

The project is to prepare a Survey Plan for the Morse Park neighborhood. There are approximately 1650 parcels and over 40 subdivisions in the neighborhood. Due to the varied and competing interests of representatives of the neighborhood, the varying levels of integrity, and the size of the neighborhood, a Survey Plan is necessary to prioritize future surveys in an efficient and cost effective manner and to identify the appropriate survey methodology for each recommended project.

Morse Neighborhood

Morse Neighborhood in the City of Lakewood, Colorado