Stephen Brackett

Stephen Brackett was born and raised in Denver, Colorado where he regularly interfaces between the music/arts, grassroots movements, and education sectors. As a member of Flobots, he is also a co-founder of the NOENEMIES project, which works within communities to explore the power of protest music, and Youth On Record, a Denver organization that today hosts a state-of-the-art Youth Media Studio and serves at-risk youths with music programs, for-credit classes, and more. Stephen finds bliss in tricksterism, giant toppling, spitting hot fire and clawhammer banjo. He is constantly provoked by Ephesians 6:12.

Photo of African American poet Stephen Brackett. Photo is a close up of his face and part of his left shoulder.  He has long hair in dreadlocks, and a shorter beard and moustache, and a warm, friendly expression on his face.
Stephen Brackett