Press Release

Avondale Memory Project aims to collect community’s oral histories

PUEBLO, Colo. (July 20, 2018) – The Avondale Community Team and El Pueblo History Museum will host the first in a series of memory workshops for the Avondale Memory Project on Wednesday, July 25, at 5 pm, at Sacred Heart Church Hall. The workshop will be led by Dawn DiPrince, director of El Pueblo History Museum.

The Avondale Memory Project is a community-based public history program, part of the Museum of Memory Neighborhood Memory Projects at El Pueblo History Museum. Other neighborhood memory projects have included Eilers Heights, Salt Creek, and Dog Patch, which is currently underway.

In this memory workshop, current and former residents of Avondale and their families will begin to co-author a history of their community. Participants are invited to share their stories of family, work, school, sports, church, and community in either written or oral form. Participants will leave with the tools to collect more stories from their families, friends, and neighbors.

All current and former residents of Avondale are invited to this workshop. There will be a light dinner and some community updates before the workshop begins.

The Avondale Community Team is a project of the Colorado Trust. The Colorado Trust is a health foundation dedicated to ending inequalities that affect racial, ethnic, low-income and other vulnerable populations. For information on the Colorado Trust, visit

El Pueblo History Museum showcases the city's history and the region's many cultural and ethnic groups. The property includes a re-created 1840s adobe trading post and plaza, and the archeological excavation site of the original 1842 El Pueblo trading post. El Pueblo History Museum is a Community Museum of History Colorado. For information on the museum, visit