Colorado’s 150th anniversary

250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence


Canyons & Plains

Southeast Colorado

A visit to Southeast Colorado will uncover the region’s vast grassy plains, shallow canyons, and horizon-defining buttes. The first inhabitants of this region were Native people. The Ute, Kiowa, Comanche, Plains Apache, Cheyenne, and Arapaho people were among the Tribes that controlled territory in southeastern Colorado and left lasting imprints on the region’s culture. Beginning in the nineteenth century, they traded with Europeans and Americans along the Santa Fe Trail and at trading posts such as Bent’s Fort. 

While the region is truly a land of natural wonders and timeless beauty, it is also a steward of a complex past. Joining the National Park Service in 2022, Camp Amache was an internment camp where Japanese Americans during World War II. About 46 miles northeast from Amache is the site of the 1864 Sand Creek Massacre. Today, both sites are National Historic Sites that offer opportunities to learn about and reflect upon two of the nation’s darkest chapters. Additionally, this region is home to the Santa Fe Trail, Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site, Boggsville Historic Site, and the Baca House. The Comanche National Grassland, home to prehistoric dinosaur tracks and petroglyphs are also found in this region. 

In Southeast Colorado, they honor their past, embrace and celebrate Colorado’s diverse heritage, and cherished natural wonders.

Southeast Colorado
Event image

Connect with your Local 250-150 Committee

Southeastern Colorado’s commemorative efforts are being coordinated by Local Organizing Committees, made up of community members and local leaders. Led by Commission Advisory Panel members, these committees are working to engage the community through idea generation, community outreach, and local event planning for Colorado’s Sesquisemiquincentennial.

To learn more about local efforts, contact Advisory Panel members, or to get involved, connect here

Advisory Panel Members

The America 250 - Colorado 150 Advisory Panel is a geographically-diverse committee of individuals that inform the Commission and lead Local Organizing Committees. These individuals represent your region on this Advisory Panel and lead your Local Organizing Committee.

Pam Denahy

Pam Denahy

Canyons & Plains

events calendar

We are thrilled to highlight the many ways Coloradans from all areas of the state are participating in the Sesquisemiquincentennial anniversary.

America 250 - Colorado 150 Newsletter