National and State Register

Arapaho Hills Historic District

Arapahoe County

The Arapaho Hills subdivision, constructed between 1955 and 1964, reflects new patterns in the post-World War II period and their influence on the development of new forms of suburban residential subdivisions.  

Photograph of Arapaho Hills sign.

Arapaho Hills location marker. 

It is associated with a group of local Modernists in design, architecture and construction and for its demonstration of the distinctive characteristics of a unique type and period –Modernism in suburban residential development in the post-World War II period.  This nomination falls within the historic contexts and registration requirements outlined in both the nationwide Historic Residential Suburbs MPDF and the Historic Residential Subdivisions of Metropolitan Denver 1940-1965 MPDF. Arapaho Hills can be considered a domestic subdivision among the subtypes developed in the latter.