National and State Register

Historic Residential Suburbs in the United States, 1830-1960

A Historic Residential Suburb is defined as a geographic area, usually located outside the central city, that was historically connected to a city by one or more modes of transportation; subdivided and developed primarily for residential use according to a plan; and possessing a significant concentration, linkage, and continuity of dwellings on small parcels of land, roads and streets, utilities, and community facilities. 

The context document divides the historic development of such neighborhoods into four Property Subtypes based on overlapping time periods from 1830-1960 that are considered a general organizing framework that allows for variation, depending upon regional influences and trends and local economic or social conditions:

  • Railroad and Horsecar Suburbs, 1830-1890
  • Streetcar Suburbs, 1888-1928
  • Early Automobile Suburbs, 1908-1945
  • Post-World War II and Early Freeway Suburbs, 1945-1960

Associated Sites in Colorado