Grants Awarded

Arrow Tire Sales

Fremont County

Originally listed as the Arrow Tire building (alleged to have been erected in 1936 in the National Register Historic District nomination), further research by the Pioneer Museum staff determined that it should now be called the Brown and Son building.

It first appears in directories in 1904 and the cement, rough rock, egg and dart molding front door, and brick construction all indicate a date of construction between the late 1890s and 1904.  

Some of this data was only recently revealed and not available to the National Register researcher in 2016. This project will provide funding to purchase the Brown and Sons building at 104 E. Front Street in Florence Colorado to expand the operations of the Price Pioneer Museum. This one-story building will accommodate display space now on a second story of the existing facility that are not ADA compliant. The space will be utilized for additional museum interpretive space. This purchase is the first step toward arresting the deterioration of a building that has been boarded up for over 40 years.

Arrow Tire Sales

Arrow Tire Sales in Florence, Colorado