National and State Register

Evergreen Corner Rural Historic Landscape

Phillips County

The Evergreen Corner Rural Historic Landscape is significant for its association with the development agriculture in Phillips County from the farming boom of the 1910s through the agricultural changes of the mid-twentieth century.  Though the land was originally homesteaded in 1887, it passed through a series of non-resident land owners for the next three decades until purchased by Henry Flaker in 1917.  Flaker is responsible for establishing the farmstead as it appears today, constructing the house, barn, tankhouse, and outhouse for his hog farm.

Evergreen Corner in Phillips County.

Evergreen Corner in Phillips County.

Later a Quonset hut and an expanded grain storage for a cattle feed lot replaced Flaker’s hog barn and pens.  It is also an excellent example of a Phillips County farmstead from the first half of the twentieth century.  The white frame buildings clustered around a central farmyard are characteristic of early twentieth century Phillips County farms while the Quonset hut, metal bins, and corral are characteristic of mid-twentieth century expansion.