National and State Register

Greeley School / Central Platoon School

Weld County

The school is a combination of two building periods-1895, when the high school was constructed, and 1902, when the grade school building was added.  The 1895 building constructed on a stone and red sandstone foundation has pressed brick walls set in red mortar, with red sandstone trimmings.

A view of the school from the road with two sections  of red brick, large windows and hipped roofs.

Greeley School / Central Platoon School

It was designed by Harlan Thomas of Denver in a variation of the Romanesque style.  The 1902 addition is similar, yet subordinate to, the high school.  Very little ornamentation appears in the overall design, following a conservative "no frills" guideline.  The building is significant in that it reflects the response to educational needs of a growing community in economically difficult times.