View of the Spring Creek Ranch from the road.

Centennial Farms & Ranches

Spring Creek Ranch

Archuleta County

The Crowley family acquired Spring Creek Ranch in 1905.  Pet Crowley and his wife, Sara, used the land for pasture and hay and raised cattle.

Pet and Sarah Crowley, the original owners of Spring Creek Ranch, 1950.

Pet and Sarah Crowley.

Photo courtesy of Spring Creek Ranch.

Crowley later sold the ranch to his son, Olen “Dutch” Crowley, who began crossbreeding beef cattle and continued to do so until the early 1960s.  He primarily bred Hereford cows during his career.  Today, Olen’s nephew, Donald Shahan, and his wife, Fern, own the property.  The ranch is 2,561 acres and is still used as pasture land for the Shahan’s cattle.

The 1941 home at the Spring Creek Ranch.
Dutch and Lenella Crowley picknicking in 1978.
Dutch Crowley with winning bulls, 1974.
Dutch and Lenella Crowley.
Dutch and Lenella Crowley outside the original house near Chromo.
Dutch Crowley engaged in a bit of ditch maintenance, 1985.