Centennial Farms & Ranches

Vern & Carolyn Kammerzell Farm

Weld County

Vern's grandfather, George Kammerzell, Sr., purchased this farm in 1920 and it has been continuously farmed by the Kammerzell family for five generations. Born in 1884 in Frank, Russia, George came to America with his wife, Anna Margaret and their 2 sons in 1912, settling in Denver in the Globeville area, working in the packing plant. They worked in the beet fields in the summer. He lived in a log house with his wife and 7 children until a brick home was built in 1930, where George's great-grandson and family now live. Vern has farmed it since 1959, raising corn, beets, potatoes, beans, hay and feeding cattle, purchasing it from his parents, Carl and Christina in 1971. Vern was in partnership feeding cattle with his grandpa and then grandmother until 1972. He continued on his own until the early 80's when he changed to a cow - calf operation, currently operating it with our son Doug and wife, Julie, and 3 grandchildren, Daniel, Kelsey and Andrew. The 1940's garage, cattle shed and corrals are still being used today. Upon Vern's semi-retirement in 1990, our son Doug has been farming it.


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Kammerzell Farm