National & State Registers of Historic Places Plaque Sources

Plaque Sources

(Last updated January 2017)

Congratulations on the recent listing of your property in the National Register and/or State Register.  You may be interested in obtaining a plaque recognizing the property's official designation.  National Register plaques are available from a number of sources.  The standard wording is:

This Property Has Been Placed In The
National Register Of Historic Places
By The United States Department Of The Interior

This Property Has Been Placed In The
Colorado State Register Of Historic Properties
By History Colorado

History Colorado and the State Historic Preservation Officer do not endorse any of the companies listed below nor can we guarantee the prices or descriptions quoted. Contact companies directly to obtain specific design and price information.

Download a list of plaque vendors (pdf) →

Preparing a Press Release

For National Register Listing

Now that your property is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, you may want to write a press release so the local newspaper can share the good news.  We have provided a standard paragraph below with general information about the National Register program to include in your release:

The National Register of Historic Places is the official federal list of districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture.  These contribute to an understanding of the historical and cultural foundations of the nation.  Authorized under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Register is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate, and protect our historic and archeological resources.  The National Park Service provides overall program administration.  The Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP) in History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society, administers the register in Colorado.  OAHP assists property owners in listing Colorado's most historically and architecturally significant buildings, structures, and sites in the National Register of Historic Places and the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties.  In Colorado there are over 1,500 properties listed in the National Register and over 2,000 listed in the State Register.  Properties listed in the National or State Registers may be eligible for investment tax credits or for grants from the State Historical Fund, another program of History Colorado.  OAHP staff is available to assist with the initial assessments of eligibility and to provide guidance in the completion of Register nominations.

For State Register Listing

Now that your property is listed in the State Register of Historic Properties you may want to write a press release so the local newspaper can share the good news. We have provided a standard paragraph below with general information about the State Register program to include in your release:

The Colorado State Register of Historic Properties is a listing of the state's significant cultural resources deserving of preservation for the future education and enjoyment of residents and visitors.  Properties listed in the State Register include individual buildings, structures, objects, districts, and historic and archaeological sites.  Over 2,000 individual properties and districts are currently listed in the State Register.  The State Register program is administered by the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP) within History Colorado, the Colorado Historical Society.  OAHP assists property owners in listing Colorado's most historically and architecturally significant buildings, structures, and sites in the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties.  Properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places are automatically listed in the State Register of Historic Properties.  They may also be nominated and listed separately to the State Register without inclusion in the National Register.  Properties listed in the State Register may be eligible for investment tax credits or for grants from the State Historical Fund, another program of History Colorado.  OAHP staff is available to assist with the initial assessments of eligibility and to provide guidance in the completion of Register nominations.

Should you have any questions, please contact the National Register staff at the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation at 303-866-3392.