National and State Register

Bell & Canant Mercantile – Crossan’s M & A Market 

Routt County

Bell & Canant Mercantile - Crossan’s M & A Market is significant for its long association as a general mercantile from 1903 through 1964, always providing a wide variety of meat, groceries, dry goods, clothing and farm supplies to the residents of Yampa and the surrounding areas. 

A picture of the building with fading white walls with gabled roof partially obscured by the false front. There are several boarded up windows and a recessed entrance.

Bell & Canant Mercantile – Crossan’s M & A Market

The building is also architecturally significant as an excellent example of a two-story False Front commercial building type with a pedimented gable in the parapet.  Character-defining features of this building type exhibited by the mercantile include a front-gabled roof, main facade parapet extending above the roof, rectangular plan, and wood-frame construction.  Less common for the False-Front commercial building type is the two-story version.