National and State Register

Four Mile House

Denver County

With a portion dating from 1859, Four Mile House is Denver’s earliest surviving structure.  The location served as the last stage stop, before entering Denver, on the Wells Fargo Butterfield Stage route between El Paso and Denver. 

A view of the house from the front with white right side and white pillars on the left.

Four Mile House

Over the years, the current U-shaped plan evolved as three buildings were butted together to accommodate changing needs.  Together, the 1859 squared log, the circa 1860s wood frame, and the 1883 brick portions reflect the evolution of rural housing during the Denver area’s early settlement period.  The house and several adjacent agricultural buildings are now part of a living history museum known as Four Mile Historic Park.

An SHF grant helped to restore the upper porch and protect other features unique to the house.