Grant and Project Management Documents

Huerfano County Courthouse and Jail (5Hf.654)

Huerfano County Courthouse and Jail, Huerfano County

Financial Reporting and Payment Requests

All payment requests and financial reports should be submitted by email to your assigned Contract Specialist.

Advance Payments

Complete steps 1, 2, and 5 of the Payment Request and Financial Reporting Form.

Interim and Final Payments

Common Financial Report Mistakes

Mistake #1: Using one line in the Step 3 table to report expenses for more than one budget task

  • Resolution: Reported invoices must be broken out by a single budget task as listed in Exhibit B. If your contractor’s invoice includes multiple budget tasks, you must break it out onto multiple lines in the report table.

Mistake #2: Missing documentation

  • Resolution: While we do not require you submit copies of invoices or proof of payment, some grant activities and expenses do require certain documentation be submitted.
    • Grant Administration and Indirect Costs must be accompanied by timesheet(s) for grant administration hours, rate of pay, and the name of the individual(s). Indirect costs must include a clear calculation for the amount of indirect costs reported.
    • Mileage costs must include a report of the destination(s), # of miles traveled, and mileage rate used. The allowed state mileage rate is listed in Exhibit B of your grant award.
    • Hotel and Airfare expenses must include copies of receipts.

Easement Fee Payments

 Complete steps 1, 2, and 5 of the Payment Request and Financial Reporting form, and include a copy of the invoice from the easement holding company.

Contingency Payments

Complete steps 1, 2, and 5 of the Payment Request and Financial Reporting form. Prior approval must be obtained by your Preservation Specialist in order to use these funds. See Contingency Use Requests below.

Contingency Use Requests and Budget Revisions


The contingency line in the budget is only for unexpected conditions that arise once work begins on your project. You must obtain verbal or email approval from your Preservation Specialist prior to using any contingency money.

Budget Revisions

Grant recipients may adjust budget lines by moving savings from one line to another. If any one line changes by +/-25% or more, you must receive advance approval from your Preservation Specialist and a budget amendment may be executed.

Once verbal or email approval is received for contingency use or a budget revision, email one of the following to your Preservation Specialist:

  • The Contingency Use and Budget Revision Form or
  • A redlined (marked up) Exhibit B that clearly indicates the amount of contingency requested and to which budget line(s) that money is allocated, and a reason for the contingency use.

Project Deliverable Forms and Instructions

Refer to Exhibit C of your grant award document for a full list of all deliverables required for your specific project. Deliverables are submitted by email to your project Preservation Specialist.

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