National and State Register

Lindley-Johnson-Vanderhoof House 

El Paso County

The 1892 Lindley-Johnson-Vanderhoof House is significant for its architecture as an excellent example of the Queen Anne style in Colorado Springs executed in stone and brick, as reflected in its steeply pitched gables, asymmetrical façade, use of multiple materials, circular tower and semi-decagonal bay, one-story porch extending into a terrace, and porte cochère. 

A view of the house from a corner angle with red brick and white siding in the gables above. On the corner of the building stands a turret with conical roof in front of green shrubbery.

Lindley-Johnson-Vanderhoof House

The house features a variety of surface ornamentation, including decorative shingles, panels with ropework, rock-faced red sandstone, and red brick.  The reconfiguration of the porch and other changes in the 1920s were in keeping with the original style and reflected its continued use as a residence with an attractively landscaped yard.