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Competitive Grants

To receive a competitive application, you must submit a Letter of Intent by using our Google Form

We are now accepting Letters of Intent for our Fall 2024 Grant Round.

All projects must submit a Letter of Intent in order to access our competitive grant application. If you have an approved Letter of Intent from a previous grant round, and your Scope of Work has not changed, then please contact the SHF Engagement Team to confirm and receive access to the April 2024 application.

The Google Form will close on September 24th at 12:00 pm (noon) mountain time, and no Letters of Intent will be accepted after that date and time.

The deadline for the application is October 1st at 12:00 pm (noon) mountain time. No applications will be accepted after that date and time.

Once submitted, our staff will review the information and return a decision within 7 business days. Approved projects will receive a link to the application. In cases where more information is required in order to make a decision, State Historical Fund staff may ask to meet with the applicant to clarify details and determine eligibility.

Competitive Grant Deadlines

There are two competitive grant rounds each year - Fall and Spring.

The next deadline for both Mini ($1 - $50,000) and General ($50,001 - $250,000) grant applications is October 1st at 12:00 pm (noon) mountain time. No applications will be accepted after that date and time.

For more information please visit our Competitive Grants page. 

Google Form

Submit a Letter of Intent using our Google Form.

Letter of Intent

Non Competitive Grants

Non Competitive Grants are available year round and do not require a Letter of Intent.  Please visit Our Grant Types webpage for further information, or click on the grant link below to apply. 


Contact our Engagement Staff or email us at with any questions.